Solar light operating times will vary by location and weather patterns.
For more information and an excellent source for garden solar lights please visit www.greengardenecology.com
Everyday millions of plastic bottles and containers are thrown in the trash and make their way to our landfills. Almost 90 percent of water bottles are not recycled and end up in landfills where it takes thousands of years to decompose. To see just how ridiculous the bottled water industry is watch this short 2 minute hilarious video clip.
Now what can we do? One option is to buy aluminum water bottles (sold at any sports store and online at Reusable Bags). These save you money and the environment and do not leach BPA. But the best option to get your water on the go is to use stainless steel reusable bottles. Again these can be found at Target, Sports Chalet, and online at Reusable Bags.
With just a little bit of effort and money up front, you can save the planet from numerous plastic water bottles not making it to the recycling center and ending up in our landfills, or worse our rivers and oceans.
Here is a compliation of interesting articles and videos on solar power. There are so many sources out there, if you know of another good video or short article, let me know.
How Solar Works: Video - 1 minute
The U.S. Department of Energy has a great one minute video that shows how solar cells covert sunlight into electricity.
How Solar Panels are Made: Video – 4 minutes
This video is an easy to understand lesson on how solar panels are made and assembled.
How Solar Water Heating Works: Article – 1 page
This is a great article on how a solar water heating system works. The U.S. Department of Energy says that one residential solar water-heating system can reduce the energy used to heat water by about two thirds. I know that this is no small amount of savings on an electricity bill, but can you imagine the impact this has on the environment. Seems like a very economical and efficient way to save money and the environment.
Article by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL): U.S. Department of Energy
How to get Free Solar Panels – 1 page
You want cheap or free solar panels, with only the cost to install them on your home. Michelle Bennett from cleantechnica.com came up with a great idea, recycle and reuse “damaged” commercial solar panels that are just fine for a residential home. To find out more check out the article at http://cleantechnica.com/2008/02/07/how-to-cheap-or-free-solar-panels/
Make sure you don’t go and steal these solar panels, as apparently that is the new crime wave of the future. Check out this article, some people are just pathetic.
Awesome Invention: Article – 1 page
Solar paneled purses. What a brilliant idea! I just read a story by Rachel Aviv on the New York Times.com site. It is about an Iowa State University doctoral student named Joe Hynek who invented a handbag lined with solar panels. It also includes a lightweight battery to store enough energy to power a cell phone, ipod and even a camera. Now why didn't I think of that.
Tax Incentives and Rebates
One always hears about tax incentives and rebates for using renewable energy sources, whether it is solar power panels, buying energy efficient appliances, or possibly buying solar garden lights. It is my opinion that those incentives (particularly federal incentives) will increase significantly in the next year or two. To keep updated on your state, city, and county’s incentive programs, the DISRE is great comprehensive, searchable database http://www.dsireusa.org/
Next week, information about using nanotechonology to increase the efficiency (and of course cost) of solar panels, replacing silicon solar cell techonology with plastic solar cells, where scientists are in the designs, and what it could lead to.
If anyone has any comments on anything reproduced here, or if a link is not working, or I did not properly cite the source, please email me at greenlifestyles@hotmail.comIt is certainly good that some of these crematoria's are taking the right step in protecting (or at least not damaging) the environment, however it is still not the norm. Even when factoring in the air pollution released during cremation many "green" experts agree that cremation is better for the environment than traditional burials.
An Economic Perspective