Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Green Machines and Gas Saving Tips

Today most consumers are staying away from the gas-guzzling SUV’s and are buying more economical cars. Not only does this help people’s pocket books (in the short run as far as the vehicles price, and in the long run savings on gas), it is much better for the environment. While car manufactures are designing and creating the next generation hybrid and electric vehicles, consumers can save money and the environment today with 9 silly-smart choices.
  1. Change your air filter: A clean air filter can improve gas mileage up to 10%. It costs about $5 for you to do it yourself or $15 at your local mechanics (do not pay anymore).
  2. Check your Alignment: It is common knowledge that poor alignment reduces the life span of a tire but did you know that poor alignment forces your engine to work harder, reducing fuel efficeicent up to 10%. It costs between $40 and $90 to get your tires aligned. Also keep you tires inflated properly.
  3. Get a Tune Up: Seems simple huh. A well oiled engine can improve gas mileage by up to 4%
  4. Got A Gas Cap? Check to see that your gas cap is not broken or missing. A car that is missing its gas cap not only releses harmful toxins to the environment, but you are loosing gas mileage efficency as well.
  5. Slow Down and Drive Smoothly: Fuel consumption increases by 7% as speed reduces by 5 miles. Try to accelerate and decelerate more smoothly. This can help your gas mileage by 33% oh the highway and 5% around town.
  6. Don’t Ride the Brakes: Not only do you wear the breaks out but it increases the amount of gas your vehicle uses by as much as 35%.
  7. Decrease Your Load: Remove unnecessary items from your car and trunk.
  8. Don’t Idle: When your car is idling, not only are you wasting gas but your causing pollution. Turn off your engine if you are stopped for more than 30 seconds. Unless you have a very old car, you do not have to “warm up” your car before driving.
  9. Use Your Cruise Control: Your vehicle performs most efficiently when driven at a constant rate. Save money on unwanted speeding tickets, increase your cars fuel consumption and save the environment

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